Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

When I look at her smile,I knew she was up to something I see that she was going to say something mean to me, but instead she didn't say anything and she just walked away. I knew she was hiding something from me but I just couldn't find out. I knew she told other people about it because as I walk the halls everyone was staring at me but I just ignore them and continue to the walk in the hall to get to my other class.
That night I was thinking so hard about what she was going to say to me that I thought my brain was going to pop like a balloon. Me and her use to be best friends but now were not because she started getting popular, and I wasn't, every time she sees me in the halls by my locker she just gives me that smile and its not a smile like she wants to be friends again, It's a smile that she wants to say something so mean but she doesn't.
I plan on confronting her on why she always giving me those smile that don't mean a thing and why she always telling everyone a lie. I just wish it didn't have to be like this. I just wish we were friends again but I knew that it was never going to happen because all she cares about is being popular
The next day I wait for her by her locker for 20 minutes but she still not there and I don't know why. I waited for another 20 minutes but she still not there. Its not like her to be missing class, she had never missed class before. As I was walking to my locker I heard some other kids talking about her saying that she got a detention for missing class, they say that the security guards caught her running out of the building to go to the store.
But the next day she was at her locker. That means I could tell her why she giving me a rude smile. I told her " why are you being like this we use to be best friends" I said. " That was before I became popular" she said " we can't be friends anymore" she said and I just walked away. and as I walked away she just gave me her smile.

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