It was in the afternoon. I was sitting at the table eating pie because we were finished eating lunch, so my grandma Maria made us some Apple Pie. I have 2 brothers one name is James, James likes to eat a lot sometimes but its only when he grumpy. My other brother is name Jacob, Jacob is more the quiet type, he doesn't really like to talk. He only talks when somebody ask him a question. My mother name is Ann. She is a real nice mom. She helps us with anything we need. And most of all she always there for us. My dad name is Christopher, but he really doesn't hang out with the family a lot. He really keeps to himself. I also have 2 pets. My dog name is cookie. Cookie is my best friend, and he always will be. I also have a horse, his name is nosy because when my family always eats. He'll be right there by the door waiting for someone to drop something good for him. My name is Alice.
I told my grandma "grandma Maria" "yes" she said. I wasn't sure what to say. I just felt like talking to some one. But i wasn't sure if I should bother her because she as cutting up some more wood for the fire place. but I just told her. "Grandma Maria can I please play outside, I don't feel like eating right now. An---" " No." she interrupted me. " You can't go outside right now....it's raining and you didn't finish your pie. So no no no no and no. You got it." she said. "Fine. I'll just tell mama Ann. I'll know she'll understand. Not like you. MAMA!!!. can I please go outside." "No. Dear. You. Can't. Go. Outside." she whisper. " whats going on mama." " It's a long story dear. Maybe later." she said. " No. Mama maybe now!" What was going on with everybody. We were suppose to be a family that tells everything to each other. Not hide things from each other. I looked over at my brother James, he was just stuffing his face with pie. He asked mama for another piece of pie. But mama said no because that was already his fifth piece.
So mama went to go Make some more pie. She said that it was for dinner becuase we only had lunch right now. As mama went to go cook in the kitchen. Grandma was going to tell me a story but she never did, she just contiued to cut the wood. My grandma was always qiuet barely said a word.She remind me of my brother jacob.
whe my mama came back from the kitchen she brought out dinner. Mama was always a good cook and she'll always be. We all ate and it was really qiuet. My brother James told mama if he could havea another piece of pie. My other brother Jacob just stared at him like he was crazy.
After we finish are dinner everyone had apple pie. But when we ate James was already finish becuase he ate the pie before us. As we all ate my dad walk in threw the door, he was staring at us. but then he sat beside me and ate some pie with us. And I turned to look at him and he just smiled at me.And it remind me hoe much I love this family